
3 Day Introduction to Acrylics Workshop

3 Day Introduction to Acrylics Workshop

Instructor   Ellen Roles

When        2017     September   19,   20,  21  ,        9am-4pm.

The class will cover basics. …. .  basics about acrylic paints, transparent and opaque,  mixing colors,  matching color, value, layering, to use mediums or not ,, and how much water to mix …. and more. We will start with painting simple, small  practice exercises… like painting a  cube, a ball , then add a fruit or vegetables with several variations.

Where       Coulee Region Business Center 

1100 Kane St,      La Crosse, WI  54603


Cost     $203.00

If interested, contact  ellenroles@charter.net

Supplies.   IF you want to try acrylic but have no supplies, Ellen can provide basics for a $25 fee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ellen, I am interested in your class but unfortunately I was not able to work it out this time.
If you have another acrylic or watercolor class this Fall, I would be very interested! My email is ... dmbersagel@aol.com Thank you. Mary Jo Bersagel