
Barn 116 FIDDLIE TWO 22x30 Watercolor, Gouache, Pencil
This painting is an effort toward a fresher work than Barn 114 which I posted earlier. I am not at all assured that in this reproduced image that the difference is noticeable. In the real, there is a difference. My goal is to produce works that not only have intentional, thoughtful compositions; some creativity; light hearted attitude; but also technical competence. An overworked watercolor is like stale bread. I am pleased with the wonderful mellow, warm colors.

 Barn 114      AND THE FIDDLE - see below


Myrna Wacknov said...

Boy, you are really cooking! You have pushed past ordinary into extraordinary!!!

jill said...

what a fabulous blog, I love the subject, the style and the colour.

Ellen Roles said...

It is a fun ride